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Our Garage Door Installation Experts Can Help!

Your garage door is often one of the first things people notice when they arrive at your house. It’s one of the main focal points of your residence. Not only do you want a garage door that looks beautiful and complements your home, but you want one that works properly to protect your family, home, vehicles, and belongings. It’s important to have a functioning, reliable garage door that works for you every day. Locally owned and operated for more than 20 years, Elite Garage Door Service provides expert commercial and residential garage door installation, repair services, and products to residents in Reno, NV and surrounding areas. If your garage door isn’t opening and closing smoothly, is making a strange noise, or has stopped working entirely, call our team of professionals today!

We Are Here To Help

Elite Garage Door

  425 Western Road, Suite 104
Reno, NV 89506


Office Hours
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

24/7 Emergency Services Available

24/7 Emergency Services for Repairs & Replacement

We understand how irritating it can be to need garage door repairs, no matter what time of day it is. For those situations that occur after hours, we offer customers 24/7 emergency services for round-the-clock on-site repair and replacement.

We can install all brands and types of commercial garage doors and residential garage doors, including traditional raised-panel doors, roll-up doors, contemporary doors, and carriage-house doors. We can help you select the best style to fit your home and look at different types of garage door openers to choose from. You can also schedule annual maintenance with us for garage door tune-ups to ensure everything is working properly. Check out our gallery to look at some of our quality craftsmanship! You can call us for all the following services:

  • New spring installation
  • Chain replacement
  • Broken or bent roller repair
  • Track and door alignment
  • Preventative door maintenance
  • Garage door section replacement
  • Cable and hinge replacement
  • Motor repair
  • Installation of weather seals and insulators

Call Us Today for Expert Door Installation

Have you been searching for a trusted garage door technician near Reno, NV? Our highly trained team of technicians gets the job done right the first time. You can depend on us as your neighborhood garage door experts. Whether you need a new garage door installed or have a broken spring, we’ve got you covered. We have a track record of serving our customers with the highest level of care and quality and will be happy to provide you with fast and reliable service. Call Elite Garage Door Service to schedule a consultation or get more information about our services!


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